DIRECTION: Emily Branham
COUNTRY: EUA, Cameroon
YEAR: 2021
RATING: 12 y/o

SYNOPSIS: In 2009, BeBe Zahara Benet went from performing at Minneapolis Pride to being crowned the triumphant winner of season one of RuPaul’s Drag Race. When you’ve always found yourself the biggest personality in every room you enter, being thrust into the spotlight of the public stage should feel like a natural fit. But as a Cameroonian-American immigrant, BeBe – aka Marshall Ngwa – felt the pressure of conflicting cultural expectations. How does one embrace a career as a proud LGBTQIA+ performer in the US, while anticipating the disapproval of conservative Cameroon, where being gay is an imprisonable offense? And how do you live up to being one of West Africa’s biggest success stories, while simultaneously being underestimated and discriminated against in the American entertainment industry? Official selection at Tribeca and OutFest Los Angeles.

Elenco/Cast: Marshall Kudi Ngwa (aka BeBe Zahara Benet)
Fotografia/Cinematography: Sinisa Kukic, Jeremy Wilker, Emily Branham
Montagem/Editing: James Codoyannis, Emily Branham
Som/Sound: Rob Daly
Música/Music: Hèlene Faussart, Les Nubians (aka Golden Flack Jones)
Produção/Production: Emily Branham, Marc Smolowitz, Jonathan Goodman Levitt

Direction: Emily Branham