DIRECTION: André Antônio
YEAR: 2021
RATING:18 y/o
SYNOPSIS: Darling, I had an appointment with him again today. And I’m even more gagged as, unlike all my other patients, he shows no discomfort whatsoever with his sexual freakishness. On the contrary. I maintain my diagnosis: acute melancholia and flight from reality. He goes so deep in his delusion sometimes that he imagines he’s some kind of prophet. As if he was part of a cult. Official selection at Chéries-Chéris.
Elenco/Cast: André Antônio, Aristeu Portela
Roteiro/Screenplay: André Antônio
Fotografia/Cinematography: Chico Lacerda
Montagem/Editing: André Antônio
Som/Sound: Nicolau Domingues
Produção/Production: André Antônio, Aristeu Portela, Chico Lacerda, Dora Amorim, Julia Machado, Thaís Vidal

2015 A Seita
2014 Canto de Outono
2012 MAMA”