August 29th is the day legislatively recognized as Lesbian Visibility Day, which shows the importance of being visible by this community included in the initialism LGBTQIA+. After all, are we visible in it? Are we visible in its culture? In the elaboration of public policies? Are we visible within our own lesbian community? To reflect on these and other issues, we invited to this discussion three lesbian women who have been working on a joint construction of this visibility through literature and historical rescue, collecting survey data on how many as well as who we are, and through social network, talking about self-care.

Bárbara Esmenia: Poet, dramaturg and “joker” at Teatro das/os Oprimidas/os (The Theatre of the Oppressed).

Márcia Balades:Dyke, a member of the Brazilian Lesbian League and the Feminist Bloc at the Cannabis Parade, currently she’s the LesboCenso supervisor in São Paulo.

Jamine Miranda: 29-years-old, historian, MA in Education, researcher, social analyst, podcaster (PretaCast Caminhão) and content creator for Preta Caminhão social medias since 2017.

Barbara Falcão : Writer, authoress and teacher. MA in Languages and Literature by University of São Paulo (USP), founder and organizer of the lesBIan visibility bloc Siriricando at the Carnival in São Paulo. Has already published short stories and poems in many compilation books and worked as a teacher and courseware authoress in social movements and public and private institutions. Currently she’s a teacher at the public network of São Paulo.

Bárbara Esmenia
Bárbara Falcão
Jamine Miranda
Márcia Balades

Mix Talks is the right place for urgent and insurgent discussions which has been, year after year, getting stronger with the connection of the multiplicity of narratives that makes up our time.

From adult entertainment at digital platforms to LGBTQIA+ mental health, from lesbian visibility to indigenous plurality acknowledgment, not to mention the impacts caused by moral censorship in life and arts we’ve been going through, this edition also looks upon the future of relationships as well as the eleboration of humanities and the structures of a new world.