In spite of the false belief held and spread at first, that the Covid-19 was a “democratic virus”, reality has shown that different social markers impact the population in different ways. Thereby, many tensions come up: the lack of support networks for troubled family relationships, the precariousness of work and the increase in food insecurity levels – many were the symptoms that affected our subjectivities and lit a warning sign that things weren’t going well. This way, it’s crucial that we take a look at the LGBTQIA+ mental health, constantly ignored by everyone. From this yarning circle we propose a reflection on the paths, individual or collective, to survive in the scorched earth post-pandemic.
Yuri Tripodi: Translanguage artist. Non-binary trans person (gender-fluid), racialized, northeasterner, takes insanity as an ethic of existence and is mentally disturbed, a follower of Afro-Brazilian religion Candomblé. Artistic languages intersect in their creation. Lives under libertarian beliefs. Insurrectionist and non-submissive. A burning flame. Authoress of the book “O corpo da loucura na contemporaneidade: um manifesto autoetnográfico” (“The body of insanity in contemporaneity: an autoethnographic manifesto”).