Brazil got a long tradition within moral censorship of several artistic languages. Theater, cinema, visual arts, television, literature and journalism were the target of State control at different times in our history. Under the civil-military dictatorship in 1964 particularly, a censorship apparatus was structured to control production and circulation of any work dealing with gender and sexual diversity. Currently, we can see several cases of censorship against LGBTQIA+ content in government agency notices or even by decision of the Judiciary Branch. In view of this situation, this roundtable aims to reflect on how moral censorship manifests itself through our history and the impact on the present it brings.
Claudia Garcia: Em 1980 entrei para o grupo Somos que atuava na luta contra homofobia e a partir desse grupo entrei para uma organização marxista envolvida na construção do primeiro partido operário pós ditadura ,Partido dos Trabalhadores, e minha militância sempre foi pela democracia e contra a ditadura. Em 2002 eu comecei a participar da Parada de São Paulo como voluntária e em 2004 entrei para diretoria e em 2017 assumi a presidência e estou até hoje.
Ciro Barcelos:Actor, ballerino, choreographer, stage director. Exiled from the country, with the Dzi Croquettes, he stayed in Europe for eight years working and studying drama and ballet. As a ballerino, he worked for international companies such as Maurice Bejart’s Ballet du XX Siècle, Ballet Théatre Joseph Russillo, Cia Felix Blaska, and took part of “The Rite of Spring” installation workshops, under the direction of Pina Bausch. Was a member of the Moulin Rouge corps de ballet in Paris and danced in French and Italian musical TV shows. Currently he’s been devoted to teach, promoting physical theater workshops, choreographing for reputed companies and taking care of the direction of movement of theatrical plays.
Renan Quinalha: Law professor at Paulista School of Politics, Economics and Business from the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). Adjunct coordinator at the TransUnifesp Center. Member of the Cultural Orientation Council of the Memorial of Resistance of São Paulo, the Council of the Anthropology and Forensic Archeology Center (CAAF/Unifesp) and the General Ombudsman Advisory Council of the Public Defender of the State of São Paulo. Member of the Human Rights Commission and the Sexual Diversity Commission of Brazilian Bar Association in São Paulo (OAB/SP). Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Political Memory Preservation Center. His book “Justiça de transição: contornos do conceito” was published in 2013, and he has just launched “Contra a moral e os bons costumes: a ditadura e a repressão à comunidade LGBT” (2021).