With the social distancing imposed by the pandemic, more and more people searched digital platforms like Onlyfans to monetize their contents. The lack of censorship allowed that different types of production – from music to physical training and visual arts, but, above all, soft and hard porn – were developed and consumed unrestricted. All things considered an issue arises: How to articulate the exercise and consumption of desire in these networks?
Fabrício Viana: Fabricio Viana is a journalist, blogger and awarded LGBTQIA+ writer. His social media sites (Onlyfans +18 included) blog and books can be found at fabricioviana.com/links.
Márcio Talon: Advertiser, content producer, fights for the break of taboos and the end of conservatism.
Arthur Scovino: Arthur Scovino (São Gonçalo/RJ, 1980) is a multidisciplinary visual artist working with installation art, photography, drawing, video and performances. Graduated from Escola de Belas Artes at Federal University of Bahia, has been participating in many exhibitions in the last 10 years, such as the 3rd Bahia Biennial and the 31st São Paulo Biennial in 2014, “Soft Power Arte Brasil”, Netherlands, 2016, “À Nordeste” São Paulo, 2019, as well as solo art exhibitions, including “Cabloco dos Aflitos”, Moscow, 2016, and “Lágrimas de Nossa Senhora”, Rio de Janeiro, 2021. Independent artist, formed the Ateliê-Galeria on Av. São João, São Paulo, in 2019, and moved to Santos in 2021.
Bad Adonis:Professionally trained as a fashion designer, Diego da Silva (didas) is an artist from Ceilandia, a region in the Federal District of Brazil and has been living in São Paulo for 3 years. He researches on performace and body through drag persona Di Vina Kaskaria since 2014, starting while still an undergraduate student in History at University of Brasília. At the same time he experienced amateur porn and came into contact with the leather scene, sadomasochism and fetishism. These experiments culminated with the appeareance of his Bad Adonis persona and the content production for membership platforms and social networks.

Mix Talks is the right place for urgent and insurgent discussions which has been, year after year, getting stronger with the connection of the multiplicity of narratives that makes up our time.
From adult entertainment at digital platforms to LGBTQIA+ mental health, from lesbian visibility to indigenous plurality acknowledgment, not to mention the impacts caused by moral censorship in life and arts we’ve been going through, this edition also looks upon the future of relationships as well as the eleboration of humanities and the structures of a new world.”