3pm (90′) | Mix Lab
#tech #formative #mixlab
The masterclass aims to discuss transmedia storytelling, understood as a paradigm of the current cultural form of media convergence. Thus, it is intended to analyze this new narrative form of entertainment for multiplatforms, which mainly uses the internet to distribute content, establishing interrelationships with participatory culture.
João Carlos Massarolo: Filmmaker, professor, PhD in Cinema from the University of São Paulo (USP). He is the director and screenwriter of several films, including “São Carlos / 68” and “O Quintal dos Guerrilheiros”. Co-organized the publication of the books “Produção de Conteúdo Audiovisual Multiplataformas” (Multiplatform Audiovisual Content Production) (Estação das Letras e Cores, 2020) and “Forcine: 20 anos de contribuições para a formação profissional e desenvolvimento do campo audiovisual” (Forcine: 20 years of contributions to professional training and development of the audiovisual field) (Socicom Livros, 2020). He is an associate professor at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), coordinator of the Study Group on Interactive Media in Image and Sound (GEMInIS) and editor of “GEMInIS” magazine.