17h00 – Um Filme Barato (62′) | 16 anos
23 NOV | SÁB @ MIS
20h00 – Um Filme Barato (62′) | 16 anos

Direction: Osama Chami
Country: Espanha
Year: 2024
Duration: 62 min

Rating: 16 years

Fede is depressed and firmly convinced he has no interest in social life. He meets Iván, and old acquaintance from his childhood who is also kind of blue, and he insists they should provide each other company because even though their lives may seem unremarkable, they can still anticipate plenty of unexpected plot twists in the future.


Cast: Enrique Gimeno, Jorge Motos, Jorge Suquet, Bárbara Santa-Cruz, Luis Amália, Paula Medina, Fran Cantos
Screenplay: Osama Chami
Cinematography: Elías M. Félix
Editing: Sergio Jiménez, Ángela Mata
Sound: Alejandro López, Juan Rubio, Mario González, Anna Caparrós, Alberto Cendra Woodman
Music: Bruma
Production Design: Carlota Casado
Production: Mirella Cuesta
Production Company: CZDR Films


2021 El Joven Diego (curta)
2017 Según Mateo (curta)